The Armenian Music Museum of New JOLFA

In the year 1958, the current building of the museum was purchased by Mrs. Elizabeth Abrahamian and her children in memory of Aram Abrahamian, their late husband, and father as well as the renowned philanthropist, to care for orphans of the Julfa area. Fortunately, since 2004, due to the lack of homeless children among the Armenians of Isfahan and with the suggestion of the Armenian Prelacy of Isfahan and Southern Iran, the utilization of this place changed into a music school. The historical house, where besides holding music training classes in it, the Armenian “Komitas” and “Tatev” choirs have had their regular rehearsals.

From the specialized standpoint at the music museum, this treasure of Armenians, it is tried to convey the function and presence of music in the religion and culture of the Armenian Christians to the visitors by means of the historical objects, documents, and illustrations; consequently, despite the common object-oriented approach adopted by the other museums, the Armenian Music Museum of New Julfa pursues and emphasizes a thematic focus in presenting information through a new, different and suitable way with the description in three languages (Armenian, English, and Persian).

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